Cryotoning uses cold temperatures to activate the body’s natural systems resulting in skin tightening, cellulite reduction and improved body sculpting. This non-invasive treatment is fast and effective with no side effects. Click to learn more.
A 28 minute session permanently destroys fat cells through a process called apoptosis allowing the body to eliminate these dead cells naturally via urine. This also increases collagen production and skin elasticity.

During the cryo toning process, your body is exposed to extreme cold temperatures. These temperatures stimulate blood circulation by causing your blood vessels to tighten. This results in an increase of nutrient-rich blood flowing to the targeted area, thereby improving skin tone and texture. Furthermore, it also promotes the breakdown of fatty tissue, which helps minimize the dimpled appearance commonly associated with cellulite.
In addition, the cold temperatures used in Cryoskin toning promote the production of collagen. This protein is essential for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. It is also responsible for diminishing fine lines and wrinkles. As a result, Cryoskin toning is an effective anti-aging treatment.
The thermal shock caused by the cold temperature during the cryo toning session also aids in reducing fat deposits. It works by targeting localized fat cells and triggering apoptosis, which is the natural process of self-destruction of the cell. The process does not affect surrounding muscle or skin tissues, allowing for safe and gradual elimination of the damaged cells over time.
As a bonus, Cryoskin toning can help you lose belly fat and shrink your love handles, even when you have hit a physical plateau while exercising. The reason is that the thermogenic effect of the cold temperature improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, thereby helping your body eliminate stubborn pockets of fat.
Another benefit of the cold temperature is that it induces a release of endorphins, which are known as the body’s natural painkillers. This is particularly beneficial for individuals who experience sore muscles due to physical activity or injuries.
When paired with other treatments such as compression therapy and infrared sauna sessions, Cryoskin toning has proven to be highly effective at eliminating localized fat deposits, reducing the appearance of cellulite, and stimulating collagen production for a firmer, more radiant complexion. Our experts at Muscle Lab will advise you on the best combination of treatment options that will yield optimal outcomes for your specific body type and goals. Contact us to learn more about this revolutionary non-invasive treatment today!
Stimulation of Lymphatic Drainage
The cooling effect of Cryotoning stimulates the lymphatic system, which is responsible for draining away organic waste. This is particularly important for those who have a sluggish lymphatic system. A sluggish lymphatic system can lead to fluid retention and an appearance of cellulite. By stimulating the lymphatic drainage process, your body is able to remove dead fat cells and eliminate excess fluids. This helps give your skin a smoother, more toned appearance and boosts weight loss.
The cold temperatures of the cryotoning machine also encourage the breakdown of fat cells under your skin’s surface, which reduces dimpled skin commonly associated with cellulite. As a result, this is an effective treatment for tightening loose skin, especially in the abdominal area. The thermal shock caused by the cooling action improves circulation and aids in collagen production, which helps minimize fine lines and wrinkles on your face.
During the first sequence of your session, the Peltier device produces a quick drop in temperature, which causes fat cells to crystallize and then die off. This triggers the natural processes of your body to dispose of these dead cells and release the stored energy in the form of glycerol and water. The glycerol and water are then eliminated through the normal bodily processes of your lymphatic system, blood vessels, and urine.
After your first session, you will notice that the lymphatic drainage of your body is improved and that you have more energy. This is a good indication that your metabolism is working better, as well. As you continue to receive treatments, your metabolism will be even more efficient, helping you burn fat and lose weight.
As an added benefit, the treatment also stimulates the release of endorphins, which are natural mood boosters and painkillers. Combined with the increased blood flow and lymphatic drainage, these feelings of wellbeing can help to relieve stress and promote relaxation.
Cryotoning is a great option for anyone looking to sculpt their body and achieve a more toned look. The treatments also have anti-aging effects, and can help reduce the appearance of stretch marks and scars.
Release of Endorphins
The cold exposure during whole body cryotherapy activates the body’s “survival mode.” This triggers a physiological response that increases endorphins and collagen production, decreases inflammation and stress and boosts cellular activity. This results in a faster, more effective recovery and increased performance.
When your brain senses pain or extreme stress, it sends signals to the rest of your body to make you feel uncomfortable, but these messages are blocked by specialized neurochemicals called endorphins. These peptide hormones are released by your brain during physical stress and have the ability to relieve pain, reduce feelings of fatigue or exhaustion, and increase energy levels.
Cryotherapy is a form of physical stress that’s voluntary, and since it’s so intense, it does stimulate the release of these endorphins to help the body survive in the freezing conditions. However, it’s important to remember that this doesn’t necessarily mean that the treatment is painful. Our wellness specialists or technicians are always on hand to ensure that the clients can safely leave the chamber if they start feeling any discomfort.
The extremely cold temperature of a cryotherapy session is thought to stimulate the hypothalamus and pituitary glands, which then increase cortisol and analgesic b-endorphins in the bloodstream. These peptide hormones have an analgesic effect on the skin, so they help to relieve pain and promote relaxation.
Whole-body cryotherapy is also thought to stimulate brown adipose tissue and mitochondria function, which could increase fat-burning capacity and cellular energy production. This could have a significant impact on weight loss and may also improve muscle endurance, which is beneficial for athletes.
In addition to relieving pain and reducing inflammation, whole body cryotherapy is also known for enhancing muscle endurance, decreasing recovery time after workouts, and improving the overall appearance of the skin. The reason for this is because the peptides released during the cryotherapy session have been shown to suppress the expression of key genes in skeletal muscles, which can help reduce the appearance of cellulite and tone the skin. This makes the treatment perfect for anyone looking to tone their arms, legs or stomach in a safe, fast and non-invasive way.
Pain Management Applications
Cryotoning offers numerous benefits and applications for skin rejuvenation, body sculpting, pain management, and more. It boosts collagen production, which tightens loose skin and reduces the appearance of cellulite and fine lines and wrinkles. Additionally, it stimulates lymphatic drainage and improves the overall tone and texture of the skin.
Moreover, it increases the body’s natural supply of endorphins, which are the brain’s natural painkillers. As a result, it relieves muscle soreness and pain caused by physical activity or injuries. In addition, it provides relief from chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia and arthritis.
As the opioid crisis continues to grow, it’s crucial to find effective nonpharmacological treatments for pain management. The cooling effects of cryotherapy provide safe and effective pain relief by disrupting the conduction pathway of the pain signal. The precise cryoprobes from inomed allow for a targeted application of the coolant at the affected nerve. This results in prolonged analgesia with a much lower risk of infection, local anesthetic toxicity, and catheter dislodgement/leakage.
The cold temperatures used during the treatment induce a mild numbing effect that provides additional pain relief for some patients. In combination with other pain management modalities, such as pharmacological and physical therapies, the use of cryotherapy is an ideal approach to treat pain in perioperative and office-based settings.
Another advantage of cryotoning is that it does not have the same side effects as other popular noninvasive fat-reduction procedures, such as CoolSculpting. The process of heating and cooling during Cryoskin toning does not affect the surrounding tissues, unlike CoolSculpting, which uses a vacuum-like device that is left in place for the duration of the session. Furthermore, a single Cryotoning session is far quicker than CoolSculpting, and sessions are less expensive.
Although there is a lot of hype surrounding cryotherapy as an anti-aging solution, it is important to note that the process cannot replace a healthy diet and exercise regimen. However, it can be a great supplement to these lifestyle changes. At Muscle Lab, we recommend combining cryotherapy sessions with other detoxifying and revitalizing treatments, such as lymphatic drainage massages, compression therapy, and infrared sauna sessions. By promoting lymphatic drainage, these treatments enhance the results of your cryotoning sessions and help you get the most out of your sessions.